Chapter 4


How to Approach a Woman?

First you must not frighter her, approach gently, not too fast and not in the front, approaching a woman with respect and consideration is crucial to make her feel comfortable and avoid frightening or intimidating her.

Be mindful of her body language: Approach with a relaxed posture, maintaining an open and non-threatening body language.

Avoid invading her personal space and respect her personal boundaries.

Start with eye contact and a BIG smile: Make eye contact and offer a genuine smile as you approach.

This conveys friendliness and openness, creating a positive first impression (very important).

Respect her personal space: Give her enough personal space to feel comfortable with you. Approaching too closely or too fast or invading her personal space can be intimidating.

Allow her the freedom to choose how close she wants you to be from you!

Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues: Observe her body language and facial expressions to gauge her comfort level. If she appears uneasy or uninterested, it may be best to respect her boundaries and disengage…

Be polite and respectful. Approach her with politeness and respect. Use a friendly and appropriate tone of voice. Avoid using aggressive or suggestive language that may make her uncomfortable.

Start with a casual conversation topic… Begin the conversation with a neutral and non-intrusive topic. This could be a shared interest, a compliment (very good) about something non-physical, or a simple introduction. This allows for a more relaxed and natural conversation to develop.

Listen actively that she said. Show genuine interest in what she has to say. Listen and engage in the conversation by asking open-ended questions and showing that you value her thoughts and opinions.

Take cues from her responses: Pay attention to her reactions and responses. If she seems disinterested, uncomfortable, or gives cues that she wants to end the conversation, gracefully respect her wishes and move on (remember the world is full of Beautiful Girls).

Be prepared for rejection! Not every approach will lead to a positive outcome, and that’s okay and normal you can’t please to every women. Respect her decision if she is not interested or declines further interaction. Rejection is a natural part of the dating process, and it’s important to handle it gracefully and respectfully.

It’s essential to prioritize a woman’s comfort, autonomy, and consent. If at any point she expresses discomfort or asks you to leave, respect her wishes without argument or pushback. Building a connection takes time, and it’s important to approach each interaction with kindness, respect, and understanding.

Take a moment to observe her and dress in a manner that pleases her, be adaptable like a chameleon, and mirror her attitudes, whether relaxed, strict, elegant, etc.

The idea is to reflect a mirror image of herself, so that she feels a sense of affinity with you and becomes open to meeting you.

Now that the camouflage part is done, it’s time to capture her attention. In most cases, this happens through eye contact. Look at her, but not excessively—just enough to let her notice your interest.

Avoid being too pushy. Remember that women have peripheral vision, unlike men who often have more focused vision. This is because, in prehistoric times, men had to concentrate on activities like archery with a tunnel vision, while women needed to be aware of the dangers surrounding them in the cave, leading to a broader field of view (yes, I know, it’s not fair!).

So, even if you think she’s not looking at you…

Ah, I can anticipate your next question: “But what if she has a husband, fiancé, or boyfriend?”

Women, especially beautiful ones, often have someone in their lives! Except for exceptional cases where they’ve just ended a relationship and haven’t started another one yet (due to divorce, breakup, etc.).

The rule is simple: there are no fixed rules!

When it comes to women, can we ever truly know? So, as a first axiom, remember that WOMEN ARE ALL FREE…

Perhaps she’s tired of her partner? Has she been disappointed? Does she yearn for some novelty and adventure? (I emphasize “adventure” with a capital “A” because it holds significant importance in the lives of these ladies, who possess a romantic heart that slumbers within each of them and who are always seeking their handsome knight!) This is especially true if they married at a young age to an older man, and their sex lives have dwindled down to watching Wheel of Fortune every night with a husband who, once the show ends, turns around and starts snoring…

If you’ve managed to capture her attention, she will look back at you. Don’t hesitate to give her a discreet and knowing smile (not showing all your teeth, as that might make her think you’re going to bite her).

However, don’t do as I did: one evening, I found myself alone in a small seaside town at a vast restaurant filled with couples—except for one very elegant woman sitting at the far end of the room!

I observed her and, without waiting for her to respond to my advances, mustering all my courage, I traversed the length of the room, wearing my best smile, and invited her to share my table… to which she replied, bursting into laughter, “Oh, no! But have you even looked at yourself?”

And then I had to cross the entire room again in the opposite direction, amidst the jeers and laughter of everyone present! (Not so classy of the lady, @^% @@)

How to dress?

When it comes to dressing to attract a woman, it’s important to consider your personal style and dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Here are some general tips to help you dress attractively:

  1. Dress for the occasion: Consider the context and dress appropriately for the specific situation. Whether it’s a casual outing, a formal event, or something in between, choose clothing that is suitable for the occasion.
  2. Dress well-fitting clothes: Wearing clothes that fit you well is crucial. Avoid overly baggy or tight clothing. Pay attention to the fit of your shirts, pants, and jackets to ensure they flatter your body shape.
  3. Choose quality clothing: Invest in well-made clothing that is made from quality materials. Clothes that are well-crafted tend to look better and last longer. Opt for fabrics that are comfortable and have a good drape.
  4. Develop your personal style: Find a style that resonates with you and reflects your personality. Experiment with different looks and find what makes you feel confident. Whether you prefer a classic, casual, or trendy style, choose clothing that represents your individuality.
  5. Pay attention to grooming: Your overall appearance goes beyond just clothing. Take care of your grooming by maintaining a clean and neat hairstyle, trimmed facial hair (if applicable), and well-groomed nails. Keep your shoes clean and in good condition.
  6. Add accessories selectively: Accessories can add a touch of style to your outfit. Choose them thoughtfully and don’t overdo it. A nice watch, a tasteful piece of jewelry, or a well-chosen belt can enhance your overall look.
  7. Consider color coordination: Pay attention to color combinations and coordinate your outfit accordingly. Stick to colors that complement your skin tone and experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.
  8. Confidence is key: Ultimately, the most important aspect of your appearance is your confidence. Wear your chosen outfit with confidence and let your personality shine through. A confident demeanor can be highly attractive.

Remember that individual preferences vary, and what one woman finds attractive may differ from another. It’s essential to be authentic and dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. Dressing attractively is about feeling confident, comfortable, and expressing your unique style.