Chapter 7

sharing your contact!

As soon as you feel that her interest is declining, kindly leave and above all do not ask for her contact details: offer yours “without obligation”.

Go ahead, leave your card ( Very Pro! ) Your phone number, email, etc., do not go too fast, be desired.

It is fashionable to print cards at low prices, or using your computer such as:

While it’s important to respect a woman’s boundaries and not pressure her for personal information, it’s also essential to maintain open and honest communication. Here are some suggestions for handling contact information:

  1. Respect her privacy: Instead of asking for her phone number directly, offer your contact details and let her decide if she wants to share hers.
  2. Create a separate email: If you prefer to have a dedicated email address for dating purposes, you can create one specifically for connecting with the women you meet. Use a free email service like Yahoo or Gmail to set it up.
  3. Consider a separate phone number: If you have the means, obtaining a second phone number can help you keep your personal and dating life separate. Some mobile phones allow for multiple SIM cards, or you can use an old phone for this purpose.
  4. Maintain a sense of mystery: While it’s okay to keep some aspects of your life private, be genuine and authentic in your interactions. Don’t intentionally mislead or deceive someone by creating false stories or identities.
  5. Be cautious with personal information online: Remember that in the age of the internet, people can easily search for information about each other. Be mindful of the digital footprint you leave and the potential impact it may have on your interactions.

Ultimately, the key is to build trust and let the connection develop naturally. If she feels comfortable and interested, she will willingly share her contact information with you.

Regenerate response


When it comes to sharing your contact information with a woman, it’s important to do so in a respectful and considerate manner. Here are some tips:

  1. Wait for the right moment: Choose an appropriate time during your conversation when there is a natural pause or when you feel a positive connection with the woman. This could be after a pleasant exchange or when you sense mutual interest.
  2. Be confident and polite: Maintain a confident and friendly demeanor when offering your contact information. Make sure your body language and tone convey sincerity and respect.
  3. Ask for her permission: Instead of directly giving your contact information, consider asking for her permission first. For example, you could say, “I’ve really enjoyed talking with you. Would it be okay if I gave you my phone number?”
  4. Offer your contact information: Once she gives her consent, provide your contact information in a way that is convenient for her. You can offer your phone number, email address, or suggest connecting on social media, depending on your preferences and comfort level.
  5. Respect her decision: If she declines or hesitates, respect her choice. It’s important not to pressure or insist. Everyone has different comfort levels and boundaries, so it’s crucial to be understanding and respectful of her decision.
  6. Keep it low-pressure: Avoid attaching any expectations or pressure when sharing your contact information. Let her know that there is no obligation to reach out and that she can take her time to decide if she wants to connect.
  7. Respect privacy: Ensure that you respect her privacy and do not share her contact information without her consent. It’s important to establish trust and maintain confidentiality.

Remember, giving your contact information is just the first step. It’s up to her to decide if she wants to reach out or pursue further communication. Be patient and understanding, and respect her boundaries throughout the process.