Chapter 3

What exactly you are looking for?

What do you desire? A fleeting encounter or a lasting relationship?

But can we truly make that choice? How many individuals, who initially believed they were simply having a good time, ended up spending their entire lives with the same person!

Do you seek only physical intimacy, or do you also long for romance?

Do you prefer to rush into things or take your time?

Do you want to present yourself authentically or engage in deception?

Are you certain you want to pursue a relationship with a married woman, considering all the risks involved?

The advantage is that theoretically, she won’t seek attachment and will maintain utmost discretion, avoiding any trouble…

Are you certain you want to pursue someone from a different social background, religion, ethnicity, or culture? (This can sometimes lead to significant challenges).

(I once knew an avid Voodoo enthusiast, and to my surprise, I discovered chicken bones under my pillow!)

Don’t hesitate to keep a small notebook and jot down the positive and negative aspects of each lady!

(I once had a friend who used cards with notes and stars for each girl, just like hotels)

If you are new to each other, here’s a valuable piece of advice: Take it slow…

Once you’ve made your choice, you’ll need to adopt an appropriate strategy (I dare say the word “strategy” is fitting here, as it involves capturing the heart of a beautiful woman, much like conquering a fortress!)

Hold on tight, brave and gallant knight!


Preferences regarding the duration of a relationship can vary greatly among individuals. Some men may prefer long-term relationships, seeking emotional connection, stability, and companionship. They value the depth and commitment that comes with a long-term partnership. They prioritize building a strong foundation, shared goals, and a future together.

On the other hand, some men may prefer short-term relationships, focusing on casual dating, exploration, and experiencing different connections. They may prioritize personal freedom, variety, and the excitement of new experiences without the commitment and responsibilities that come with a long-term commitment.

It’s important to remember that these preferences are not exclusive to men, as individuals of any gender can have different relationship preferences. Preferences can also change over time as people evolve and their priorities shift.

Ultimately, it’s crucial for individuals to communicate their relationship goals and expectations openly and honestly with their partners. This allows for better compatibility and ensures that both individuals are on the same page regarding the duration and nature of the relationship.