Chapter 26

The kiss…

How to Kiss a Woman?

Ahhhh the kiss !

They all dreams about it. She fantasizes about the first kiss…

Yes the kiss is very important it is the true reflection of what she feels for you …

He can be shy, lean, frantic, with the tongue or without the tongue

Women according to the latest scientific studies have sensors inside their mouths that allow them to know from the saliva of these gentlemen whether they are in good health and capable of being viable companions and good breeders!

If you feel the time is right, gently bring your lips to hers. If she’s avoiding you, don’t insist, she’s not ready yet!

Don’t start by taking her head in her hands and kissing her with a tongue that penetrates her gently down her throat! Go gradually!

If it doesn’t work the first time, don’t be sad, all is not lost, you just have to go at your own pace.

However, if after three or four dates, you still cannot approach her, either she wants stay virgin for marriage (rather rare these days!) Or she is part of a sect or a religion. strict about sex (run away) or you don’t attract her and she just wants to get out at your expense…

When it comes to kissing, it’s important to remember that every woman has her own preferences and comfort levels. However, here are some general tips on how to approach kissing a woman:

  1. Create a comfortable and intimate atmosphere: Make sure you are in a private and relaxed setting where both of you feel comfortable and at ease. A romantic ambiance can help set the mood.
  2. Read her body language and cues: Pay attention to her body language and the signals she may be giving you. If she is leaning in closer, making eye contact, or displaying other signs of interest, it may indicate that she is open to being kissed.
  3. Start with gentle and gradual physical contact: Before moving in for a kiss, initiate gentle and appropriate physical contact, such as touching her hand, arm, or shoulder. This can help build a connection and gauge her comfort level.
  4. Maintain good oral hygiene: Before attempting a kiss, ensure your breath is fresh and your lips are well-maintained. Brush your teeth, use mouthwash, and consider carrying breath mints or chewing gum to freshen your breath.
  5. Begin with soft and gentle kisses: Start with light and tender kisses, keeping the pressure gentle and the pace slow. Pay attention to her response and adjust accordingly. Gradually increase the intensity and passion if the moment feels right and she reciprocates.
  6. Use your hands: As you kiss, gently place your hands on her waist, back, or cheeks, or run your fingers through her hair. Touch can enhance the connection and add intimacy to the moment.
  7. Communicate and be responsive: Pay attention to her reactions and cues during the kiss. Every person has their own preferences, so be responsive to her movements, breath, and level of engagement. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is crucial to ensure a mutually enjoyable experience.
  8. Respect boundaries and consent: Always prioritize consent and respect her boundaries. If she shows any signs of discomfort or pulls away, stop immediately and give her space. It’s essential to establish a foundation of trust and respect in any intimate interaction.

Remember, the best approach is to take things slowly and communicate openly with your partner. Each person and situation is unique, so being attentive and responsive to her cues and comfort level is key.