Chapter 17

How to get Women?


I do not in any way suggest that you hypnotize her to force her to sleep with you, which could be held against you as a rape, but rather to subject her feelings and desires …

Take his hand and say softly “Close your eyes. Feel my hand in yours feel like we both have positive vibes and have things in common”

“ Feel how good we are, this moment is blessed by the gods, my hand is soft and warm, listen to my voice listen to what I am saying to you, I desire you, I like you very much, and I think you like me too .. .)

“ Keep closing your eyes and tell me how you feel”

She will say that she is well, if not, rectify the situation …

“ You are relaxed, incredibly calm, happy that we are together tonight”

“ You feel the desire rising in us”. Little kiss on the hand or on the neck

“ We desire each other, I can feel it We really want to kiss each other” You bring your lips closer…

Practice Even conscious hypnosis can bring many benefits There are plenty of books on this subject I just describe the basic

Self hypnosis can also help you fight your shyness, fears, reluctance and self-confidence. Think about it!


When it comes to physical touch, it’s crucial to prioritize consent, respect boundaries, and ensure both parties feel comfortable and safe. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Start with non-threatening touch: Begin with non-invasive and non-sexual touch, such as a friendly handshake, a light touch on the arm during a conversation, or a brief hug when greeting or saying goodbye.
  2. Pay attention to body language: Observe her body language for cues of comfort or discomfort. If she leans in, reciprocates touch, or displays positive signs like smiling and maintaining eye contact, it may indicate a willingness for more physical contact. If she seems tense, pulls away, or displays signs of discomfort, it’s important to respect her boundaries.
  3. Communicate openly: It’s essential to have open communication about physical boundaries. Ask for verbal or non-verbal consent before progressing to more intimate forms of touch. For example, you can ask, “May I hold your hand?” or “Is it okay if I give you a hug?” Respect her response, and if she declines or seems hesitant, honor her decision.
  4. Take it slow and gradual: Allow the physical connection to develop naturally over time. Avoid rushing into intimate touch or making assumptions about her comfort level. Pay attention to her reactions and adjust accordingly.
  5. Respect personal space: Everyone has different preferences for personal space. Give her enough room to feel comfortable and maintain her personal boundaries. Be aware of her reactions and adjust your proximity accordingly.
  6. Be mindful of cultural and social norms: Different cultures and social contexts have varying norms and expectations around physical touch. Be sensitive to these differences and respect the boundaries and comfort levels specific to the situation.
  7. Check in regularly: Continuously check in with her throughout your interactions. Ask if she feels comfortable or if there is anything she wants or needs. Open communication is key to ensuring that both parties feel safe and respected.

Remember, consent and respect are paramount. It’s essential to prioritize the other person’s comfort and boundaries at all times. If in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and ask for explicit consent.